
Making the right decision for you

Choosing the right care home for either yourself or a loved one is a big decision. It’s about much more than just the care itself. Retaining your independence, the lifestyle you are accustomed to and important relationships are all factors that can create anxiety when making such a significant change in life. A care home is still a home; it may be a new home with a new environment but the comforts, the security and the safety you are used to should not be compromised with the choice you make.

Many care homes are offering trial stays to help new residents and their families gain that all important peace of mind and confidence that they are making the right decision. A trial stay gives you the chance to experience everyday life without making a full commitment. It enables you to see if the activities are varied and stimulating, to get a personal taste of the dining experience and attain an understanding of whether the care is flexible and of a high enough standard to meet your own specific needs and wants.

Experiencing life in a care home on a short-term basis will also give you the chance to meet your neighbours and the care team, as well providing the opportunity for family and those whom you trust to visit and spend time with you in your potential new home.

Deciding to move into a care home should not mean losing your independence, compromising on your lifestyle or altering the relationships you hold dear. Choosing the right care home should enhance all of these things and much more.

For more information about 25% off a trial stay at a selected Anchor care home, please visit