Vintage finish

As you build your collection of gorgeous vintage finds, you can customise them and decorate your entire home at a fraction of the cost of buying things new. The recycling (or upcycling) element involved in this process has a feelgood factor, too. Giving a new lease of life to homewares that might otherwise have been heading for the landfill is good for the planet as well as the pocket.

Everyone can find their own take on vintage style and pluck pieces from any era they fancy. If you love a rummage, cannot pass a market without popping in, or if you do not mind rifling through the rails in charity shops or even perusing the odd skip (ask before you take!) you can get a huge amount of pleasure from finding just the right materials to add colour and character to your home.

You can slot just a little bit of vintage into your house – a fine bone china tea set, for instance – or you can fall in, head first, and fill your entire home, from cellar to ceiling, with your vintage finds. If you are not quite sure which direction to head in, go to a couple of antiques fairs or vintage markets and have a really good look before you buy.

Whichever direction you take, here’s a little inspiration to help you make the most of the items that are available from vintage dealers, online auctions, charity shops, car-boot sales, flea markets, antiques dealers, house clearances and fairs.
Vintage Home by Sarah Moore is published by Kyle Books, priced £17.99