Security tips

Have a care-free summer holiday with these top security tips

Going on holiday should be a time to relax and unwind, not to worry about the security of your home. However, while we’re planning on picking up holiday essentials like sun cream and sunglasses, remembering to keep our homes safe is often the last thing on our minds. No matter how long you plan to be away for, it’s worth taking a few simple precautionary steps to bolster your home security.

Which is why ADT - the UK’s leading fire and security brand, that has been in existence for over 150 years, has pulled together a handy checklist to help keep your home safe while you’re away.  

1.  Be discreet

Although it’s tempting to post on your social channels to celebrate your trip away, try not to give away too much information about your holiday, or how long you’ll be gone for. You never know who’s reading it and what they’ll do if they find out no one’s home. Holiday dates coupled with geotagged data and publicly available information could mean a burglar may easily work out where you live. From research, we know that social media is a big tool burglars now use to check when you’re going away for a long period of time, as you may be unknowingly making them aware that your house is unoccupied.

Also, think carefully about how you label your luggage. A few simple pointers will help keep your home safe as well as reuniting you with your bags if they’re lost en route. By all means add your name, mobile number, email address and destination details, but leave your home address and landline number off. Similarly, if you take a cab to the airport, it’s wise not to discuss your travel details in depth (unless you know your driver well). You could however make it sound as if you have a house sitter in your absence.

2.   Make it look like you’re at home

Simple things, such as cancelling milk and paper deliveries are important, as they’re a glaring indicator that no one is at home. Also, be sure to avoid shutting all your curtains, as nothing shouts ‘we’re not here’ louder than closed curtains during the day; all a potential perpetrator needs to do is come back at night. If a trusted neighbour is able to park on your drive, this will give the impression that someone is home, especially if a potential burglar has looked at your property during the day and then comes back at a different time. 

3.   Add ‘checking everything is locked’ to your holiday checklist

It sounds simple, but security always starts with secure doors and windows. Make sure you do a final check of the house to ensure that all windows and doors are shut and securely locked before you leave – that includes sheds and garages. Don’t leave keys or valuables in view either, and use a safe for anything that is really precious. Some insurance providers won’t pay out if they can prove that you haven’t taken reasonable care to secure your home – which is a costly mistake to make.

The advent of smart home technology makes it easy for you to stay in control of your home, even when you’re not there. ADT Smart Home allows you to remotely set or unset your alarm using your smart device and means that you’ll also be able to double check if others, like the cleaner or friend coming to feed the cat, have reset it properly.

4.   Tell a trusted friend or neighbour that you’re going away

They can keep an eye on your property and help you out in a number of ways. Ask them to use your bins for their rubbish, and if you’re away for an extended period, ask them to mow your front lawn. They could pop in and pick up your mail too, as this will prevent letters building up on your doormat or sticking out of the letterbox. If this isn’t an option, it’s worth considering Royal Mail’s Keepsafe service – they’ll hold on to letters and parcels for up to 66 days for you, so you can enjoy a more carefree holiday. Appearance is everything, and it’s important that your house doesn’t appear empty.

If it’s not possible for anyone to physically keep an eye on your home, ADT offers 24/7/365 monitoring, so that you can be rest assured that your home is safe. If the security alarm is triggered, ADT offers a number of response packages from keyholder response – which means that a trusted friend, family member or neighbour will be contacted to private security response from a professional security officer or you can opt for police response, where the police will be immediately notified if a confirmed alarm is received. 

6.   Consider investing in smart home technology for peace of mind

Although people may not immediately associate their summer holidays with this, in lots of ways having smart home technology can help to take away the stress and worry associated with leaving your house empty for weeks on end. ADT’s Smart Home technology uses the latest security and home automation technology, helping to make it easy for you to stay in control of your home, even when you’re not there.

The system allows you to use your smartphone or device to set a schedule with just the touch of a button, turning lights on and off no matter where you are, to give the appearance you’re home even when you’re not. If you worry that you’ve not set your alarm, you can remotely set or unset it from your mobile phone, providing that you have an internet connection. Taking this a step further, ADT’s CCTV solutions are a great way of further enhancing your security to keep a watchful eye over potential intruders. 

So while you’re crossing off your final holiday preparations and packing those last minute essentials, don’t forget to take a bit of time to focus on leaving your home as secure as possible. It will mean that you’ll remember your holiday for all the right reasons.

Please visit or call 0800 144 4499 for more information.