Heart of the home
Almost everything I prepare or cook in my kitchen involves a little bit of history and often a memory. There is a favourite old serving spoon with a monogrammed handle that I use for stirring sugar into a meringue or flour into a cake mix. The spoon reminds me of baking with my mother, because she used the same spoon.

There are weighing scales that belonged to my grandmother and plates and bowls from my mother-inlaw and grandmother-in-law. Often they are referred to by name or house name, such as Granny Hunter’s plate or the Rockmount bowl, because they are remembered by their association with that person or place.
These things may be old, but they are still useful, with a patina of age and a familiarity that makes them special. They are objects that have survived because they perform the function for which they were made and have withstood the test of time, sometimes in the hands of several generations.

I also have a collection of blue-andwhite plates found in second-hand shops and markets while on holiday, so they have memories of the time and place where they were found, whether it was a sunny weekend in Saltburn-by-the-Sea or a damp day out in Hastings. Then there are things given to me as presents by friends who share an interest in cooking or know my weakness for a certain style of china or type of gadget.
Kitchenalia can be a collection of hand-me-downs and presents, some with a specific purpose, others just because you like them. It can be made up of things that are useful, beautiful or often both; you have them in your home because you enjoy using them and having them around you gives you daily pleasure.

Kitchenalia, by Vinnie Lee, is published by Jacqui Small, priced £30.