HOME HELP: 28 February
PS, by email
A Sadly, Victorian silver cutlery is not fashionable at the moment. An auction house such as Bonhams will sell a full canteen but only in certain patterns, and there would be a buyer’s commission on the sale. It would be better to show the cutlery to John Hamilton, a London dealer, who buys sets or part sets. If he doesn’t want them they do have a meltdown value – silver is now worth around £12 per oz. Several companies in London’s Hatton Garden buy for this purpose.
John Hamilton, Vault 19, The Silver Vaults: 020-7831 7501, www.silvervaultslondon.com
Q My new cottage has several beams in a thick, oily-black colour, which I would like to paint cream so they merge into the room. I don’t want to sandblast them as it makes so much mess, but could you suggest which type of paint to use?
MK, by email
A You don’t have to sand the beams but you must use an aluminium wood primer. It’s best to apply two coats to stop the stain seeping through. Next, apply an undercoat of acrylic, alkali-resistant primer (try Johnstone’s), then finish with your chosen colour in a matt-vinyl paint.
Johnstone’s: 01924-354354, www.johnstonespaint.com

Q I found a black chest of drawers inlaid with mother-of-pearl, but one of the knobs is missing. Where could I find a replacement?
CG, by email
A Graham and Green in London has a mother-of-pearl and black horn door knob on its website; it costs £3.95 and would suit your chest.
Graham and Green: 0845-130 6622, www.grahamandgreen.co.uk
Send your queries to the usual Bedford Street address or email Hugh St Clair at hughstclair@googlemail.com