Getting ahead with your job search


Looking for your dream job can be hard work. In fact it really should be hard work – after all, this is what you’d like to spend your time doing for some years ahead, so surely maximum effort must be applied in researching your chosen career and in making sure your CV showcases you to the best of your abilities and strengths. 

At the Lady, we offer bespoke professional advice and guidance on every stage of your job search and naturally, we want to show our clients that we have the very best selection of candidates. We fully support candidates in the job search, through our initial meeting with you, and by gaining an understanding of your needs and experience, which is a fundamental part of our recruitment process -  to identifying what role would suit your skills and then, finally, matching you to the right client. The process is carefully planned and executed by our highly experienced team of consultants and administrators. However, we expect you to do the work too. We have a long-held reputation as being a market leader in domestic recruitment, and as such we ensure all our candidates make the grade, for their own sakes and indeed our clients. In order to make it to the top of your chosen career, we expect you to come to us with a good CV and a professional attitude.

Here are some top tips on giving yourself the best chance to get to the top of the CV pile.

  • Get your CV in shape: this seems obvious, but we receive a multitude of enquiries from candidates who have not prepared or updated their CV and it is the most crucial point. Make sure it is concise, succinct and no longer than two pages. Ensure it has all your relevant experience but cut back on irrelevant information. 
  • Take a good photo: all our CVs have candidate photos with them, this is standard practise now. This should be a face-on head shot, smiling is fine but not a holiday snap or mid-activity please. Make sure you're in good light and if in doubt get someone to take a few and select from the best.
  • Understand your place in the market: if you want to be a close-protection security guard but only have training as a gardener then you will need some training (watch this space as The Lady will soon be opening our own training centre for this type of career and more) If you have experience as a housekeeper but want to add caring to your CV, you will need to find out more about what qualifications are required for each level of care. Our team can give you advise on this. 
  • Read the job advert properly: this seems like another obvious one but it is a fairly common mistake. Always read the job specification well, and think about how your experience matches the job. Is it live-in, or out? Is it in the right part of the country and does the role sound enjoyable and engaging to you? There's no point in applying for something that doesn't excite and interest you. 
  • Be smart and prepared: whether we interview you in person or via skype you should have a professional attitude to the interview – look presentable, be postive and smile, and be prepared to answer and ask relevant questions clearly and intelligently. Think about what you want out of this and have a list of key points in front of you. This will help guide you through the interview and give you the best chance to impress our recruitment consultant.​

Lastly, good luck! 

We are always here to help – call our recruitment team on 020 3857 9945

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