Microblading: your questions answered

How does the microblading process work?

Microblading is a form of Semi-Permanent tattooing to apply pigment into the skin using tiny microscopic needles that create the look of a real hair strand. The needle can flow in the same direction as the hair growth forming a wonderful, natural looking eyebrow.

Is it painful?

It should be a comfortable experience. The right Artist will use an anaesthetic to numb the area so it should not be painful.

How long will my brows take to heal?

As we are not penetrating our pigment as deep into the skin as a regular Tattoo, the body heals slightly differently and takes two treatments to get to the desired results. The healing process lasts 4-6 weeks before having the touch up procedure and once healed will last 12 months+

Is microblading expensive?

Microblading is a technical treatment that should be done with an experienced practitioner so the costs can range from £350 to £500.

Is it suitable for all brow types and colours?

Microblading is generally a great treatment for all brow types and colours as the pigments can be mixed to create the perfect colour of the natural brow hair. However we do find oily skins struggle to keep the pigment and singular hair strokes due to the excess oil, so we advise an alternative such as misting or ombre for these skin types.

What’s the aftercare process?

For the best results, we advise to keep the brows dry and away from water for 7-10 days. This allows the insertions to close and lock the pigment in. While the brows heal you may experience some dryness or light flaking so we give you a special balm to keep them nourished and protected whilst they heal. Aftercare should be bespoke to the client's skin for the best results.

Will they look natural at any age?

Yes, this treatment is the most natural visually if done correctly. The needles can be changed in size to match the client's natural hair strand to treat long and wispy hairs, to soft and fluffy. So at any age, the hairs should look the most natural and not harsh for the face. Most women find that the brows look so natural it's like their brows have grown back rather then they’ve had Microblading!

Does microblading affect hair growth?

Microblading, like all needle treatments is very stimulating and can in some cases stimulate dormant hair follicles that have closed, so there are times clients come back for their touch up with a few hairs that have grown back!

Can you reverse microblading?

Microblading can be removed if done correctly, as it should only be created into the lower Epidermis layer of the skin (which effectively is the dead skin) so if a client wanted it to be removed this can be done via laser or a saline product. However, some Microblading can be done too deep and cause scar tissue or damage to the skin and would need to take time to fade out.

Who is not suitable for the procedure? What risks do I have to consider?

We are unable to treat pregnancy or breast feeding mums as the hormones in the body are so highly active the body will not hold the pigment as well.

Book your appointment at www.samanthatracecosmetics.com
