Create your own teeny tiny Eden

Indeed, whether you want to turn a slither of outdoor space into a dazzling hideaway or just add some colour to a gloomy-looking room, there is a tiny garden for you. You could even use yours to grow your own herbs and vegetables.
And it’s easier than you think. In fact, creating your own miniature garden is the perfect (inexpensive) way to hone your skills.

‘I recommend using soil-less potting mix for most of the projects – you are probably unlikely to want to invest in a range of different media if you are gardening on a small scale,’ explains miniature-gardening expert, Emma Hardy. ‘As you gain experience (and possibly more space), you might want to experiment with in-depth soil mixtures, but a goodquality potting mix should be fine for small, often temporary, gardens.

‘A few gardening tools will also come in handy… a decent garden trowel, a good pair of secateurs and a watering can with a fine rose.’
In fact, all you need is a handful of tools, a bag of potting mix – and a little imagination.
Teeny Tiny Gardening, by Emma Hardy; photography by Debbie Patterson, is published by CICO Books, priced £14.99. Readers of The Lady can buy a copy at the special price of £12.99, including p&p. Call 01256- 302699, quoting GLR 8BN. For more details: