Here comes the sun

In fact, after such a long, bleak winter, we should all be planning to make the most of our gardens, patios, terraces and balconies. Soon, chilled glass of rosé in hand, we’ll all be sitting out late, gazing up at the stars, and wondering whether we’ll ever have to wrap up warm again. Well, hopefully, anyway.

Whether you love hosting barbecues and sunny soirées, or prefer simply to spend long afternoons lounging on the lawn, treat any outside space as an extension of your home. After all, when the weather’s warm, even the smallest balcony is a welcome extra room.

Critically, decide how you use your space – then furnish and decorate it according to your needs. Do you want a table and chairs for more formal al fresco dinners, or comfy outdoor sofas for lazy summer days? Consider lighting (electric, lanterns or candles?) and whether you want to add some heat (log-burning chimeneas, for example, will add warmth and character to your summer evenings). Also consider how any fixtures and furnishings will work around, and make the most of, your plants – and where you will store it all when winter does return.

Get your planning done early, though, and you’ll be enjoying your own piece of the great outdoors before you know it.
B&Q: 0845-609 6688, 0131-561 6406,
Garden Trading: 0845-608 4448,
Go Modern: 020- 7731 9540,
Homebase: 0845- 077 8888,
House of Fraser: 0845-602 1073,
Indian Ocean: 020-8675 4808,
Made: 0845-557 6888,
Marks & Spencer: 0845-603 1603,
Sweetpea & Willow: 0845-257 2627,