
Hold a Mighty Quiz to help defeat dementia

Dementia is now the leading cause of death in the UK, overtaking heart disease for the very first time, it was revealed last year. Last year 70,366 people died from Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, with this number set to rise.

Sadly, one in three children born today will go on to develop dementia in their lifetime, unless we find effective ways to prevent and treat the condition.

Although many people believe dementia is just an inevitable part of getting older, it isn’t. Dementia is caused by complex brain diseases, with Alzheimer’s being the most common. While the majority of people with dementia are over 65, around 40,000 people in the UK are living with young-onset dementia in their 40s, 50s and early 60s.

No one survives dementia – yet

There is currently no cure for the diseases that cause dementia. A recent study revealed that the number of people dying from the condition is set to quadruple by 2040, which is why Alzheimer’s Research UK is powering world-class studies with the aim of bringing about the first life-changing dementia treatment by 2025.

Our vision is for a world where people are free from the fear,

harm and heartbreak of dementia.

You can help us fight back against dementia

We don’t receive any government funding for research. The work we do just wouldn’t be possible without the generosity and support of people who choose to help us in whichever way they can, whether it’s through monthly donations, fundraising events, marathons or leaving gifts in their Will.

In 2017 Alzheimer’s Research UK launched The Mighty Quiz as a unique and exciting way to raise money for life-changing dementia research. Supported by Countdown’s Rachel Riley and newsreader Jon Snow, the Mighty Quiz provides you with everything you need to hold your own quiz night and raise money for dementia research.

The Mighty Quiz is a quiz for everyone… but with a twist   

The Mighty Quiz brings teams together to tackle trivia, crack conundrums and face physical feats. With spaghetti towers, kitchen cupboard catwalks and a coin toss challenge, The Mighty Quiz is far from your average quiz – combining traditional quiz rounds with physical challenges, so everyone will bring a unique talent to their team.

Countdown star and mathematician Rachel Riley has been behind the campaign since the start, and is calling on people to host their own Mighty Quiz.

She said: "I love putting my brain through its paces, so I can't think of a better way to raise money for Alzheimer's Research UK. Whether trying to name that tune or sculpt a masterpiece from foil, The Mighty Quiz is a great excuse to get your friends together to tackle trivia and put your senses to the test. We need Quizmasters across the nation to get their packs and get organising!"

Getting your free Mighty Quiz pack is easy – just visit to receive yours by email or by post.

Your free pack contains a Quizmaster’s Guide with everything you need to organise your quiz (from finding a location to sending invites) plus posters to help you get the word out. It also contains the essentials for the night, including all the questions and answers!

Make your Mighty Quiz your own

Your Mighty Quiz can be as big or as small as you like; invite a few close friends round for an evening, or host a night for friends, family and colleagues at your local pub. The Mighty Quiz is yours to make your own, and every pound you raise will fund vital dementia research.

Will you join us in the fightback against dementia?

To get started with your Mighty Quiz, visit today.

Contact us to find out more

If you would like to learn more about The Mighty Quiz or the work of Alzheimer’s Research UK, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the details below.


Telephone 0300 111 5555
