Home Help: 11 January

Hugh St Clair advises on the latest energy-company loans, replacing a damaged antique light and covering up a favourite chair – plus funky floor cushions
Q A young guest has kicked a football and broken the glass in our antique porch light. The glass is curved. Can we replace it? PS, via email

A W Sitch & Company, a family business that dates back to the 18th century, is your best bet. The company can get the glass you need made specially, but it will be expensive. It might be better to replace the lantern with a Snitch antique or reproduction. The range includes iron lights primed in red oxide and bronzed brass, suitable for outside use.

W Sitch and Company 020-7437 3776, www.wsitch.co.uk

Q Last week a man knocked at my door saying that I would be given money to improve energy efficiency and cut fuel bills. This scheme is called the Green Deal initiative and, once an assessment has been made, the cost of roof insulation, double glazing, even a new boiler up to a total cost of £10,000, would be paid for by the energy company on Government orders. Can this be true? I am deeply cynical and can’t really believe that I would be handed £10,000, even if it is for a good cause. LP, via email

A You are right to enquire further. I wondered if this man was an overenthusiastic salesman sent by an insulation company, so I checked with the Energy Saving Trust. The energy companies are lending the money at around 8% interest, but the amount they will lend has not been decided. The loan is set against the property, not the owner so, if you move house, the loan will be passed on to the new inhabitant. The scheme is to start in January. Check with the Energy Saving Trust for the correct information. 

Energy Saving Trust 0300-123 1234, www.energysavingtrust.org.uk

Q My grandson and granddaughter have moved into new bedrooms. I want to give them ‘cool’ fl oor cushions or beanbags. Where shall I go to fi nd such things? GG, Somerset

A Dwell has cowhide and black velvet floor cushions. Urban Outfitters offers ones in the shape of a cupcake, suitcase and Rubik’s cube and Creature Clothes creates environmentally friendly products. 

Dwell 0845-675 9090, www.dwell.co.uk
Urban Outfitters 0845-330 1288, www.urbanoutfitters.co.uk
Creature Clothes 01986-875509, www.creatureclothes.com

Q I have told my husband that he must re-cover the armchair in his study. However, he is quite happy to keep it covered in his favourite old blanket. This blanket is old and motheaten so, to reach a compromise, I have blithely told him he can upholster it in woollen plaid fabric sold by the metre. I haven’t told him I don’t know where to buy it… Please can you help? AR, Nottinghamshire

A Look at the Spectrum range by Kirkby Design. There are six plaids to choose from, at £77.50 per metre.
Kirkby Design 01623-756699, www.kirkbydesign.com

Email your design enquiries to Hugh St Clair at homehelp@lady.co.uk

1. Regency-style lamp, price on application, by W Stitch & Co 2. Star cushion, £30, by Creature Clothes 3. Fabric, £77.50 per meter, by Kirkby Design 4. Cowhide cube, £199, by Dwell