Holiday Hounds: Top 10 photos of dogs on holiday!

Affectionate, full of life and loves a good cuddle - the perfect holiday companion. It’s no wonder so many Brits are swapping their partners for pooches when heading away on short breaks. New research¹ from Best Western Great Britain, conducted in line with National Dog Day on the 26th August, has found that one in seven (14%) UK dog owners would rather go on holiday with their dog than their other half.

With Brits clearly so keen to take their dogs away on holiday, Best Western Great Britain has launched its search for the best holiday pictures of dogs across the country! For your chance to win a night’s stay with Best Western Great Britain, submit your photos of your dog on holiday here:

Among the entries submitted so far are two sausage dogs wearing Hawaiian shirts, a Yorkshire Terrier on a boat and a dog looking rather glum on a beach! The top ten photos of dogs on holiday can be seen below.

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