Bad news for King Harold

A new road may run over King Harold’s eye, discovers Sam Taylor
There are battles, like my own feeble attempts at restoration, and then there is the mother of all battles; the second Battle of Hastings. Twenty-six years ago, a local amateur historian called Nick Austin became convinced that since 1066 we have been getting it all wrong. That Battle’s memorial stone for Harold’s eye and crumbly old Abbey built to commemorate William’s gory triumph, were all in the wrong place. He concedes that we do have the correct date.

According to Mr Austin, the Battle of Hastings actually took place at Crowhurst, in the beautiful Combe Haven Valley, and that the monks first built their Abbey here then moved it to Battle in the 12th century (quite why they moved it remains a mystery). Mr Austin would like the whole valley, right down to the coast, declared a World Heritage Site. Estate agents are already rubbing their hands.

To back up his argument, he even has some proof in the form of a crossbow dug up in the valley. As yet, no other historians have agreed with him but all accept it is odd that in 950 years no artefacts have been discovered at Battle.


Used to being ignored for almost three decades, Mr Austin’s theory has suddenly hit a nerve. Or at least a mechanical digger in the form of contractors charged with building the new Bexhill-Hastings link road to provide faster access between these two places. Why? is the question being demanded by the group of anti-link-road protestors.

A stalwart bunch, including retired lawyers, teachers, grannies and wildlife conservationists, the group, known as the Combe Haven Defenders, is currently occupying land near Adam’s Farm to prevent the destruction of the valley – any road would plough directly through it, ripping out century-old trees and unique habitat.

Inevitably, there have been casualties. According to their website, Sally, a 67-year-old grandmother from Bexhill, was arrested, and allegedly searched and finger-printed for refusing to give her real name after strapping herself to a tree. When she returned to continue the protest a few days later, she was peppersprayed during a fracas over a fellow campaigner who refused to come down from a telegraph pole.

In true English fashion, there has also been the occasional truce. Simon ‘Sitting Bull’, a seasoned activist, was living in a five-metrelong tunnel under the site but when temperatures plunged to -7C, police agreed that he could go home to warm up for the night and be allowed to crawl back in the next morning. Admittedly it was a shortlived victory; he was dug out 20 minutes later. But unlike Harold, at least he lives to fight another day.

Next week: Playing the slots…