Anything goes

Her new book, Bazaar Style, is about rummaging around in secondhand shops, attics and antique stores – and then putting pieces together irrespective of where, or when, they came from. Collectables from the Moroccan souk are combined with French fabrics and vintage English furniture. It doesn’t matter that they didn’t appear in last week’s interiors glossies, only that they have soul, colour and charm – and that together they create a room that reflects your own, individual character.
It’s certainly an antidote to the usual flat-pack furnished home. But it does take time – as the book makes clear, ‘the bazaar look cannot be bought on one shopping trip. It grows organically over the years, with finds gathered from diverse sources.’

Not that it matters. After all, these are not the kind of furnishings that go out of fashion. They are effortlessly stylish and timelessly beautiful. Nor must you spend a fortune. You can hunt for bargains on eBay, in flea markets and car-boot sales. Battered old objects can be touched up, shabby fabrics stitched together. In fact, it all adds to their character. These are ‘pieces that have lived long or travelled far’. They come with ‘personality built in’.
But the book is more than just a whimsical manifesto – it works as a practical guide, too, explaining how bazaar style can be employed across the house to make a dazzling, wonderfully atmospheric home.

Bazaar Style: Decorating With Market And Vintage Finds, by Selina Lake and Joanna Simmons, with photography by Debi Treloar (Ryland, Peters & Small, £14.99). Readers of The Lady can buy a copy for £12.99 (including UK P&P). Call 01256- 302699, quoting reference GLR 7ZJ.